Truth be told whether we want to admit it or not, there are some things in life that come last minute. Granted, some of these things we can control BUT there are some things we simply can’t.

Recently we sat down with a previous bride who was married just last month to discuss what are some things that she could have done before the big day, instead of waiting until the last minute.

Her answer: “Designs, and Prints!”

It is our desire to save you some unnecessary stress and bring light to your wedding planning if you haven’t already thought of these potential wedding day challenges.

Whether they are important to you or not, these are all wedding day components that can be done and ordered months before the wedding and it will allow you to enjoy the planning process rather than worry if you’re going to have to pay for two-day shipping or not!

More than likely, thanks to the ‘Pinstagram’ world (Pinterest/Instagram) we have already seen some of the most elaborate seating charts, dinner menus, welcome signs, etc. With that being said, our human nature knows what we are attracted to and what is an absolute “MUST” for the day of the wedding.

Wedding seating chart on iron bed at The Wheeler House

From the smallest of things to the largest you want to make sure you know what’s important to you. Are favors something you want your guests to remember your celebration by? What about a guestbook that could potentially hang in your first home one day?  Details of your wedding can be so special to look back on, and that’s why putting time and thought into them matters.

As the leaders on the day of your wedding, we are writing to let you know to start now, start compiling the details you want photographed, and start preparing for the best day ever!



Photography: Hillary Leah Photography